Hold me closer, Tony Danza…

April 21, 2011

You say it’s your birthday
It’s my birthday too, yeah
They say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time


 [Overheard off-stage, speaking in a British accent]
“I don’t undertsand. Is it Tony Danza’s Birthday?”

No, no, Barnsley…  It’s…
Oh, wait.  Actually, today is Tony Danza’s birthday.
Born April 21, 1951, the old boy is turning the big six-oh today. Wow!


This is going to require something…

I’m thinking something cool and crisp, with the smell of tropical fruits and tasting a little more citrusy than your usual white wine.

 I’m thinking we need a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
 I’m feeling a bit Awatere Valley. Aren’t you?

 I bet somewhere around here we have a 2009 Eradus. 

Bring forth the Sauvignon Blanc Wine Goblets.
Let us celebrate!


So, I’ve been told that blogs should consist of shorter, possibly more frequent articles. As opposed to my longer, once per week installments.  Really?  Thank you for this great information. We’ll take that under advisement. It’s just not going to happen this time because…

Although it was not my intention to make this “show” political,
These are political times that we are living in. 

We have a President who hasn’t been able to make good on the majority of his campaign promises. Of course, the one I remember most was the promise of making capital available to small businesses.  Well, it hasn’t happened.  Instead, every small business owner that I’ve talked to, has had to  personally dig into their high interest credit cards. They’ve run up balances which has cuased their credit ratings to suffer. They’ve taken loans against their 401K’s, which is costing them retirement dollars, or they’ve taken money from IRAs and had to pay early withdrawl penalties. This is an expensive world that you’ve created for us, Mr. President.


Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance,
They always did the best they could

Just  the other day, I attended my Aunt Dulce’s 86th birthday party. Interestingly enough, inside / outside, several groups of people were discussing the U.S. economy. Doesn’t this bunch of Cubanos have anything else to talk about?  Possibly.  But there’s nothing more important. They know it and so should you.  Of course, it may be too late to do anything about it.

So, I’m not claiming to be an expert in economics, credit, or finance, in any way shape or form …but some things are awfully simple.  Let’s say that you were a really rich guy…  If you were a really rich guy, you could spend a lot of money.  And depending on how rich you were, you could spend more money than you took in, for a long time.  Maybe years. But no matter how rich you are, unless you have unlimited funds – which no one does, if you’re spending “way too much”, sooner or later – you run out of cash.  This works exactly the same way, if you’re a really rich country.

And if your really rich country can’t stop spending, even after it runs out of money, it needs to start borrowing money to support its spending habits  …much like the average person with credit cards.

Well, if you don’t start paying off your debts sooner or later, and your creditors figure out that you’ll never be able to pay your debts, they are going to cut their losses and cut you off. This will be especially true when they figure out that you can’t even afford the interest – much less to ever repay the principal. This is what’s going on with our country folks…

We’re in deep doo doo.


I’m checking them out
I’m checking them out
I got it figured out
I got it figured out
There’s good points and bad points
Find a city
Find myself a city to live in



Ok, well… 
I didn’t mean to bum you out on Tony Danza’s Birthday but I could talk about this all day long. Don’t even get me started on the trade deficit.

For now, all I can say is:

Happy Birthday, Tony.
Happy Easter, everyone.

– Arch


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