It’s not you, it’s me…

September 16, 2011

Yeah…  Uh…  Hi, uh… 
(Girlfriend) <Insert Name Here>?
I think we need to talk.  It’s not your fault…
Please don’t get upset, second guessing everything I’ve said and done.
I never meant to hurt no one.  (…and sorry about the bad English).
You know, the only way your heart will mend is when you learn to love again.
It doesn’t make sense right now, but I’m still your friend.

Yep. You may have guessed it by now.  This week’s musical guest is Robyn.
If you hadn’t guessed then, maybe, you haven’t heard her yet.  Get with it.

Although I mostly love artist who never have a top 40 hit, I’ve been pretty good at picking hit-makers in the past.  I picked Smashing Pumpkins, back before anyone had heard of them.  First time I heard Bill Clinton speak, I knew he was going to be president. There are others. Anyway, if you haven’t seen Robyn yet, trust me, before long, she’ll be a household name.   Check it out… Great song, great video and it appears to have been done all in one take. 

Here’s Robyn in…  Call Your Girlfriend

I love her.  I want one.  Everyone should have one…

She’s like Pink and Cindy Lauper all wrapped into one morsel.  And, obviously, she raided Captain Sensible’s 80’s wardrobe.  Wot?  I’m totally diggin’ the crazy pants and furry top.

Here she is a few years back, with longer hair…

Oh, so NOW you think she’s hot.  Well, she is, PLUS she’s Sweedish and female.  There are only about 4,600,000 Sweedish females on Earth, out of a total population of about 6.4 billion.  So, “her people” make up (only) about .07% of the population.  How lucky are we to have one, right here, dancing around on our ‘puter screen?
(Don’t answer that: Rhetorical Quuestion.)

“Call your girlfriend…”
This is the down-side.  Now I have that song stuck in my head.

And, here’s a double-dog dare…
Watch the video three times, then try to walk down the hallway.
You can’t do it without trying to recreate some of her dance moves, can you?  I know.

Enough Pleasantries

You know, it would be really easy to pick some cliché wording like, “I’m mad as hell”  …but I’m not going to do it, whether I am or not.  Instead, I pose the question to any and all of my readers.  What are we going to do?

After careful thought, I have decided that BO’s American Jobs Act, although filled with hope, conviction and even some fresh and potentially new ideas, if passed, will be nothing more than a band-aid on a patient that is severely hemorrhaging.

As expected, we didn’t get what we really needed, which was someone at the top, recognizing that the things that drive jobs, the housing market and, subsequently, the economy are deeply broken and need to be repaired or replaced at the core. 

But I will not just blame El Presidente, both parties share responsibility for getting us to the state we’re in and both parties should be blamed for the stagnant response to correcting the problems …and I think it all boils down to, almost every member of congress, being more interested in getting re-elected than in fixing America.

We doing nothing about repatriating money.  There’s a half-trillion dollars of profits that American companies have made abroad that they keep abroad because it’s too expensive to bring it back here.  So American companies are held back from growing, creating job, and bring money back into our country.

Bank lending is down over a trillion dollars (over the past three years).  Small businesses can’t get loans, the average Amrican trying to buy a home can hardly get a loan, and the big banks are all making safe money with government protected, goverment loans.  They don’t need us.

And finally, we need to reform our trade laws and trade policies to keep American money in America. Let’s start demanding trade equality with every country we do business with.  If they are not within a certain, acceptable window of  “trade parity”, let’s start taxing the hell of them…  just like other countries do to us, which is why so many countries import very little from us and why we have a half-trillion dollar annual trade deficit.

So, I ask again, what are we going to do?
It’s our problem.  We The people need to fix it.

I am, actually, “mad as hell”  that we haven’t heard from this guy…

Gary Johnson, Governor of New Mexico
If you don’t read anythign else read: The New Hampshire Path

He hasn’t been invited to any of the republican debates.  Supposedly because he doesn’t have enough support behind him.  I think they’re afraid that he’ll get too support behind him.  They’re probably still trying to figure out how he snuck in the governor’s seat in New Mexico.

Gary is a member of the republican party but doesn’t necessarily follow mindlessly down the party platform.  For the most part, like me, he believes government should stay out of your life when it comes to things like, who you marry and whether or not you decide to have an abortion.  As a business person, he gets that only the private sector has the power to create real, long-term jobs and not the government.  He also believes in government transparency, although not to the lunatic level. 

This is a guy who gets what’s going on and would, most liklely, step up, come clean and take a stab at fixing things.  That’s why he’ll probably never get a real shot at it.  None of the people who back political campaigns today would want a guy like this to win. 

So, what are we going to do?
Anyone…  Anyone…  Buehler?

Connect with me. Give me your thoughts…


In the meantime, I will be finding myself a little Diamana Liquer…

Many Mexicans from BCS will tell you that this is what margaritas were first made with.  Not tequila. They also say it was not named after Margarita Henkel and not invented at  Hussong’s Cantina in Ensenada in the 1940s.  They say it was invented in Baja Sur and named after the drink’s creator, the wife of a local bar owner.  I don’t know if I care.  I’ve been to Hussong’s.  I love that place.  I’m sticking to that story.

I also don’t know why the bottle is in the shape of an overweight female.
(Can any one appreciate how difficult it was for me not to say, “fat chick”..?)

Maybe we can do some research and find out if Ms. Henkel was… uh… plump?

Perhaps it’s some sort of a guage for when you’ve had too much diamana.  You see, the diamana herb is an aphrodisiac.  According to my friends in Mexico, it’s better than any blue pill that you can find.  Of course, when asked, they’d never had said blue pill and therefore couldn’t really compare.  It’s all “diamana propaganda”.    So, maybe the idea is that, if you have too much diamana, and you start getting overly “randy, baby”… you look at the bottle and if , suddenly, she’s looking pretty good, you know you’ve had too much diamana.

Discuss among yourselves…

Well… that’s all the time we have today.
Although, definitely NOT all that we have to talk about.

But here’s a promise.  Next week…  No talk of politics.
Next week we’re going to tackle a different set of challenges.
And I’m really looking forward to our musical guest.  It’s going to be a big show.

Hope to hear from you, my kiddies.

Love ya

 – Arch

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